One of my favorite summer activities is to go for a bike ride. Countless times Papa & I rode our bikes together. Whether we flew down the hills in Colorado, rode to lunch at Taco Bell, or dodged traffic on our way to Zarlengo’s, our rides usually are eventful. Among all our rides, two stand out, & both times, I got wet. This writing discusses a particular ride in Gobles.
After breakfast one morning, Papa & I went for a ride somewhere. On our return to the Brandywine, we turned left to Public Access for our customary dip the front tire in the lake stop. Although we previously dipped our bikes front tires in the lake many times, little did I know this instance would be different. As we approached the incline, Papa told me to slow down. I pedaled backwards; nothing happened. I pedaled backwards faster yet the bike did not stop. In the blink of an eye, I rode the whole bike into the lake! Papa, incredulous of what just happened, asked, “Are you alright? Why didn’t you stop? Did you lose the bike?” I responded, “I’m soaked & surprised but I’m fine. I pedaled backwards. I do not know why it did not stop. While I’m not on the bike, I feel it (Public Access initial depth is not deep).” Unfortunately, while I felt it, I could not pull it out by simply bending down into the water. One plunge underwater later & the bike & I surfaced.
Luckily, I did not lose my glasses in this whole endeavor. As we inspected if the bike received any damage, Papa realized the root of my brake failure. This bike had handlebar brakes; pedaling backwards would not stop the bike! Obviously, I never rode a bike with hand brakes before. How I successfully stopped before remains a mystery. Fortunately, the only change to the bike was its dryness. Both the bike & I were soaked. Thankfully, the temperature was rising, the sun was out, & the distance between Public Access & the cottage was not far. Getting back on our bikes, Papa & I finished our ride back. When we arrived, Mom saw us & immediately asked why my red shorts were dripping wet. Upon coming closer, she saw how wet the bike & I were, & Papa & I laughed. After hearing my explanation, Mom shook her head with a look of “Awww jeez.” I went inside, dried off, changed, hung my wet clothes on the clothesline, & placed the bike in a sunny spot to dry. Every time Papa & I dipped our front tires into the lake afterwards, Papa & I chuckle about that memory. I have successfully braked every time since then. On Brandywine Lake, most people swim, tube, waterski, drink, talk, etc. I fished my bike out of the lake.