Thursday, January 25, 2018

It is my first souvenir in Philadelphia

Doing a year of service will not make me wealthy monetarily. Frankly, it will not even get me out of my debt. As we began community night this evening, we entered a store full of antique & neat knick-knacks. Older books, Coke bottles, a 1903 geologic map of the United States, & odd items I was told would look great in my room. Looking at the Coke bottles, mason jars, mason jar lids, & other old pop bottles, one caught my attention. A 1953 Presidential Inauguration bottle, with the US Capitol & some text on the front & a list of the presidents up to that time on the back. Based off the label, my deduction is that it contained some sort of alcohol, fine liquors as it is officially stated. Costing only $8. I held onto it, browsing through the other items, nearly making a mess in the process. The realization occurred to me of the notion, for only $8, I can own a new piece of history, at least a conversational peace, & I am in Philadelphia, one of the top historical cities in the world. Therefore, I purchased it. I doubt it is worth much. Certainly not Pawn Stars-worthy. Most than likely there were thousands of bottles. Yet who truly knows? Imagination could tell you the newly elected president & his wife drank from this bottle. Perhaps an underage person drank from it, a juicy story for the tabloids. Regardless, I own it now. It is my first souvenir in Philadelphia.