Saturday, September 23, 2017

That darn wristband

As my watch is currently not working, I have one item on my wrist. It is my camouflage wristband. It says, “So others may live Douglas Fortune.” Even with the lack of sunlight, there is still a tan line on my arm from it. The only time I take it off is when I am at work. As with many other things in my life, there is a story behind it. It was first semester of my freshman year during finals week. On Sunday or Monday, I received a phone call saying Douglas was in the hospital, but he would be ok. At some point in the week, I received another call where I learned things were not going well & that I should pray for him. Friday came & I was done with one semester of college! Papa had driven through massive snowstorm in Louisville area, my phone was not working right, & little did I know things were not going well at all. Papa arrived upset, both at my lack of communication & about Douglas’ health. He told me things were going horribly for Douglas. We drove home & first words Mom said to me I will never forget. Douglas passed away. What a start to Christmas Break. We talked about it, but I was in shock. Why would God take someone so young away? We went to his memorial service in Milwaukee & we were given those wristbands. I put mine on right away. Although service honored Douglas in a top-notch manner, I was in shock. Douglas was close to me in age, he was a kind loving fellow, he was healthy, bright, and smart as he had a future with wind turbines like ones on I65 between West Lafayette & Indy. Why did he receive call to heaven? After service, other things happened, Christmas Break concluded, & back to UD came I. Still wearing that wristband. At first Marycrest Mass, I spoke with David Weickert about Douglas. I never received an answer of, “Why did Douglas die?” I kept wearing that wristband. Now, it reminds me of Douglas yes but something else as well. To quote Hitch, “Begin each day as if it were on purpose.” It reminds me that life is beautiful. It is ALWAYS worth living. It is precious. Additionally, each day holds possibility to be a good day. So, when I get off work at Marycrest, what is first thing I put on? That darn wristband

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